Soft – Liposculpture : how your figure can be smoothly modelled
With the influence of hormones the body might produce some local fat deposits which resist the best slimming procedures (taking exercise or dieting). In case of women, these fat deposits are located around the hips, the thighs or the abdomen. But these ‘resisting’ fat deposits might also occur around the arm, the back and the chin. Moreover slimming is not the best treatment for localised fat deposits. On the contrary, by slimming, the fat deposits will sometimes get more visible.
Therefore these problem areas ask for a special approach. Liposculpture is the most effective option.
What is liposculpture?
Liposculpture literally means ‘to remove subcutaneous fat (lipo-) in a refined almost aesthetical way (-sculpture)’. This medical-surgical technique is performed under a local or general anaesthetic. Although, as in case of liposculpture, fat cells in undesirable places are removed, the risk of skin irregularities is much smaller. The bruising, pain and oedema following the operation are also significantly smaller. One can therefore speak of a patient-friendly approach. Liposculpture has been developed twenty years ago by Dr. Illouz, a French doctor, but it has been considerably improved ever since. The method we apply in our clinic, is the most advanced one existing at the moment. Some people today call this morpho liposculpture.
Who can be under consideration for liposculpture?
In case of a positive diagnosis, an excellent result can be reached for 95% of the patients. During the prior consultations, decisions will be made about the areas to treat and it will be carefully examined if the treatment might offer a solution to your figure problem. Because you have to note that, although this technique has something magical, it does not work wonders. Important factors are the quality of the skin and the muscle tissue. For people suffering from overweight, vibroliposculpture is not the right solution. It’s vital to slim first. During the consultation, a medical check-up will be done. After all, it’s evident that you should be in good health before undergoing an operation.
The treatment
The liposculpture itself:
Under a local or general anaesthetic, a very tiny tube is inserted through small incisions (3 mm) in the subcutaneous tissue. Through this tube, a fluid is injected to paralyse the area and fat cells are made liquid. This way fat cells can be removed more easily. With a recently designed vibrotechnique (vibro liposculpture), fat cells are more easily released via minuscule vibrations. Finally the liquid fat is drained away through the same incision with an ultra-thin tube. Through this procedure the new body contours are formed.
The duration of the morpholiposculpture depends on the amount of fat and the places where it has to be removed. On average, the operation takes one hour and a half to two hours and a half. After the operation you will be immediately given a special lipo-panty to support the skin and to restrict possible swelling. After some rest, you can go home the same day.
Pre-operative and post-operative treatment
To gain the greatest effect, it’s vital that you prepare your body to the liposculpture. You can do this with drainage of tissue fluid. (massages which activate the circulation of fluid in the body). Discomforts following the operation, like oedema, bruising and tiredness, are restricted with this pre-operative treatment. A similar post-operative treatment will enhance a positive effect.
After the operation
During the first week after the liposculpture, you will experience some stiffness and a mushy feeling in the treated areas. Especially in the first two days, these complaints might be intense. Therefore it’s advisable to take it easy so that your body gets the chance to recover. Sutures will be removed after 7 to 10 days.
Scars will be very small and become almost inconspicuous. To enhance the heeling of the scars, it’s advisable to daily treat them with a special ‘scar-lotion’.
The new contours of your figure will be visible after 2 to 3 weeks. It might however last 3 to 6 months until you get your definitive figure.
The BeauCare quality
Frequently asked questions
Are there any risks?
As with every plastic surgery, there might occur infections or post-operative bleeding. But in case of liposculpture, these are extremely rare.
The normal complications are, as already mentioned, bruising and swelling. Bruising disappears after 1 to 2 weeks and oedema after 8 to 12 weeks.
Is the result remaining?
Removed fat cells won’t come back. After puberty, the amount of fat cells is fixed and new fat cells can impossibly be produced. So when one gains weight, this does not mean that there’s an increase of the amount of fat cells but it means that there’s an enlargement of the existing fat cells due to over-feeding or wrong feeding. The same is true the other way around. In case of slimming, the volume of fat cells decreases and the amount of cells remains constant. The logical consequence is that removing of fat cells is the only way to make them disappear for good.
Of course, the remaining fat cells (90 % of fat cells is removed but the other 10 % must be left on the spot to keep a smooth skin structure) can enlarge due to increase in weight, this will happen however less easy than before the cosmetic surgery. Therefore it’s vital that you maintain a healthy eating habit and way of living after the liposculpture as well.
Do you have to lose weight before a liposculpture?
Yes and no. Not when one must lose 5 kilos. Yes, when one should lose 15 to 20 kilos. But in this last case, it’s vital to reduce the weight loss before the liposculpture. Because, if you lose a lot of weight, it will be possible that the skin does not shrink enough anymore. If you lose weight after the liposculpture, the skin will stay firmer. Moreover the liposculpture means a new beginning.
Patients who have really tried everything to slim usually get a psychological fillip with this treatment. After all they will notice very soon that it’s possible to wear clothes which are one or two sizes smaller.
We have got the experience that patients are usually very motivated to watch their eating habits and lose weight, after the liposculpture.
The best results are gained in case of patients who want to have removed certain fat deposits but who also want to lose weight by dieting afterwards.
Is Liposculpture also a solution to stretch marks (due to pregnancy) ?
Unfortunately, it isn’t. Sometimes it even happens that these stretch marks are more conspicuous after the liposculpture. And if you have a lot of stretch marks, it will be possible that the skin does not completely shrink. If it concerns stretch marks on the abdomen, the plastic surgeon has to decide about the treatment.
Do you lose weight when having a liposculpture?
It’s possible that you lose some weight but liposculpture can not be considered as a method to lose general weight. The reason is that fat does not weigh a lot in itself. (1 litre of fat does only weigh 500 gr.).
If three litres fat are removed (which is the maximal amount per liposculpture), this will mean a maximal loss of 1,5 kilo. On the other hand, losing 3 litres of subcutaneous fat can create a totally new figure and clothes might become very loose.
Zones to be treated with a liposculpture
- Neck/double chin (small area)
- Breasts
- Upper arms
- Stomach
- Lower abdomen (= belly)
- Hips
- Between lower abdomen and hips
- Pubis
- Saddle bags (outer thighs)
- Inner thighs high
- Inner thighs low
- Anterior thighs (front top)
- Knees front
- Inner knees
- Back of the neck
- Shoulder blades
- Back (superior – under the bra rolls)
- Waist (love handles)
- Back (lower back)
- Above the coccyx (tailbone)
- Buttocks
- Folds under the buttocks
- Posterior thighs