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Les médecins de la clinique BeauCare

Spécialiste reconnue en chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique.
Licence complémentaire en Microchirurgie : University Maastricht

  • Spring meeting of the Belgian association of plastic surgery : lip reconstruction
  • Conference multidiciplinaire de l’obesité ( Brussels ) : chirurgie reparatrice de l’obésité
  • Dermatologic conference Brussels : fractional lasertreatment of the damaged skin
  • Flap course ( university hospital of liege )
  • Microsurgery course ( university hospital of Leuven )
  • International course on breast surgery and body contouring ( Liege )
  • Microsurgery course ( university Maastricht )
  • International Master Course of aging skin ( Paris , France )
  • Dallas Rhinoplasty course ( Dallas , US )
  • European congress obesity surgery ( Lyon , France )
  • International surgery meeting ( Lisbon , Portugal )
  • The use of the inframammary ligament in reduction mamaplasty (publication)
  • Controversies, Art & Technology in Facial Aesthetic Surgery
  • Dallas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium (Dallas, US),
  • Scientific meeting of the British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Royal College of Surgeons (London, UK)
  • The Whole Face Approach II, a high quality training in injection techniques (Brugge, Belgium)
  • Autumn Meeting of the Royal Belgian Society of Plastic Surgery ( Brussels, Belgium)
  • Fractional Laser treatment (Mechelen, Belgium)
Découvrez la Clinique BeauCare en images
